Terms & Conditions

訂購 Order

By placing order and completing payment, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions.

Please order 7 days in advance for any cakes/ treats. Full payment is required to place the order and secure the date.

Please note that order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.

付款 Payment

We accept Payme, FPS & bank deposit for payment. Full payment is required to place the order and secure the date.


訂單更改 Amendments & Change Orders

Once payment is made, the order is confirmed. No cancellation or refund would be accepted once the order is confirmed.

如需更改取貨日子,請必須於最少5天前通知我們,否則需收取行政費用 ($50或以上)。訂單確認後,我們保留拒絕更改取貨日子及時間的權利。
Should you need to change the pickup date, please contact us at least 5 days in advance, or administration fee ($50 or above) will be applied. We reserve the right to decline any reschedule requests due to limited order availability.

如需要更改訂單內容 (如更改款式等),請必須於最少5天前通知我們,否則需收取行政費用 ($50或以上)。訂單確認後,我們保留拒絕更改訂單內容的權利。
Should you need to change order details (design change, etc.), please contact us at least 5 days in advance, or administration fee ($50 or above) will be applied. We reserve the right to decline any requests due to limited order availability.

惡劣天氣安排 Bad Weather Policy

當八號或以上烈風或暴風信號 或 黑色暴雨警告正在生效,取貨及送貨服務將暫停 。如因惡劣天氣導致未能取貨,請客人改期至原本取貨日2天內取。我們恕不接受因惡劣天氣而取消或退款。

In case of black rainstorm or typhoon signal no.8 or above, delivery and pick-up will be suspended.  Customer has to reschedule to the pick up date which is within 2 days of the original pick up date. We do not accept cancellation and refund due to bad weather.

送貨服務 Delivery

If you chose to pick up your cake/ treat in person, we will not be responsible for any damage to the cake/ treat once you picked up.

For delivery, we will not arrange any staff to monitor the delivery process. We will not be responsible for any damage caused to your cake/ treat.

其他 Miscellaneous 

Please note that all of our products are handmade. The look of the product might vary slightly from the reference photo on our website.

Ingredients and decorations on might be changed due to limited supply without further notice. 

Meowolf Bites 保留更改、終止及不時修改有關條款及細則之權利。
Meowolf Bites reserves the right to terminate the offer or to amend the terms and conditions of the offer without prior notice.
如有任何爭議,Meowolf Bites 將保留最後的決定權。
In case of any disputes, Meowolf Bites reserves the right of final decision.